Apr 25, 2011

Haiku # 2: "Laura"

Laura (1944)

"Dreaming of Laura
near her portrait; then, I swear...

 I swear she was there."

This is an entry for the Best For Film Hollywood Haikus blogging competition. Enter now.


  1. I love this "Haiku a Day." Looking forward to reading more :)

  2. Nicely evocative.

    Movies have inspired me to go the Haiku route as well. It can become almost obsessive - rather like "Laura".

  3. Thank you girls!!

    Caftan Woman, I'd love to read yours!

  4. La escena y la pelicula son estupendas. No sé de que vá éste juego pero los films son de lo mejor.

    Un besito :-)

  5. Clara, thanks for your praise of my SUNSET BOULEVARD haiku! In turn, I absolutely loved your haikus for LAURA and BREAKFAST AT TIFFANY'S! You have a true gift for distilling the essence of these wonderful movies in so few words. Looking forward to seeing your future haikus, too!

  6. Abril: Gracias! Yo tampoco sabía qué eran los haikus, pero aprendi que son un tipo de poema japonés, de tres líneas: la primera de 5 sílabas, la segunda de 7, y la tercera de 5 de nuevo :) Espero haber contado bien, jajajaja. Saludos!

    DorianTB: Thanks girl!!



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