Dec 18, 2011

When I say, you say #8: Mansion

Welcome to the last When I say, you say post of the year, the game in which I say a word and you share your first (first) classic movie related thought. Film titles, movie scenes, characters, passages from actors' biographies, etc, etc...

Image source.

So, when I say MANSION, you say...


  1. Green Mansions! with Audrey Hepburn and Anthony Perkins

  2. Manderley! That enormous house on the sea is so eerie and mysterious and not only because of everything that actually happens in Rebecca! It seems like the sort of place that probably had all kinds of secrets from Maxim's ancestors through the centuries.

  3. Manderly in Rebecca. And more specifically, the creepy maid lady. :)

  4. Immediate thoughts went to Rebecca and Gone with the Wind. I've never seen or read GWTW, but being as loved and referenced as it is you can't help but to think of it.

  5. Clara, having just watched THE BIG SLEEP in preparation for Meredith's FOREVER CLASSICS Humphrey Bogart Blogathon, the Sternwood house says "mansion" to me! :-)

    May you and your friends and loved ones have a truly Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and any other joyful occasion you'd like to celebrate!

  6. Rebel Without A Cause—I think of the old abandoned mansion they go hide out in.

  7. Hush... Hush, Sweet Charlotte! Poor Charlotte just didn't want to move.

  8. ...bathrobe. That gaudy bathrobe, dressing gown or floor-length smoking jacket that serial killer Bruno (Robert Walker) wears in his mother's mansion. It's from Hitchcock's Strangers On A Train.

    I love this game!

  9. Tara and Gone with the Wind.


  10. Psicosis.
    ¡Felices fiestas Clara!



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