Aug 29, 2011

Happy Birthday/RIP Ingrid Bergman

She died on her birthday.

What I've written about Ingrid:

Here's looking at you, kid :) 

Edit: some of the pictures that originally were published in this entry are not available anymore.


  1. Hola Clara, no recordaba el dato de la coincidencia de la fecha. Era una actriz maravillosa y una mujer con las ideas claras. ¿Has leído su autobiografía?
    Saludos y buena semana.

  2. I didn't know that--crazy! I wonder how often that happens?

  3. I love the photo of Ingrid with Isotta and Isabella in little baskets. It's adorable ;)

  4. Yes, that picture is really cool!! Thanks for visiting, Rianna :)

  5. Yeah, I didn't know that either! It was kind of weird, but yeah, it happens...Thanks for the feedback KC!

  6. Jaja, yo tampoco Lola, es bastante inusual, pero bueno...No, no he leído su autobiografía, pero quisiera! Supongo que debe dejar en claro bastantes cosas de su vida....Gracias por la visita, Lola, siempre me aportas datos interesantes :)

  7. I love these pics. Bless Ingrid, she was so lovely!
